'FX' retake schedule for 1st year students by Aliya Koitanova - Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 10:17 AM Number of replies: 0 If you get an “unsatisfactory” mark, the corresponding “FX” mark (25-49 points), you can retake the final exam on a fee-paying basis according to the retake schedule “FX”, which is available for 1 courses at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8xWPFeCDBkmCTGm9xQ2dYbY5kuhuQnlErtu4xNHTulxUMUwyOUxNSUdRNlJIQ1E0VDRHRTlRUTlBSi4uRequest for FX-retake (25-49%) Permalink